Are Your Farts Trapped or Do They Slip Out?

Do you ever feel like your farts get trapped? This can result in abdominal pain and discomfort. Or maybe you have the opposite problem and have trouble holding back gas. This can lead to embarrassing situations both in public and in your own home.

Common Problems

Whichever of these two problems related to farting you may be experiencing, it may be a result of pelvic floor dysfunction. 

  • Farts are trapped: If you feel like gas gets trapped inside of you and you cannot let it out, this is likely due to tightness of the pelvic floor muscles. The deep pelvic floor muscles sling around the rectum, and the anal sphincters are also part of the pelvic floor. For gas to pass, these muscles and sphincters need to relax and let that happen. This situation is also often associated with constipation. 

  • Farts slip out: If you have difficulty holding back gas when the situation is not socially appropriate, this is likely due to weakness of the pelvic floor. As mentioned above, the pelvic floor muscles sling around the rectum and include the sphincters of the anus. If these muscles and sphincters are not doing their job well and are weak, they will not provide a barrier to gas exiting. 


Here are a few tips to reduce abdominal pain and discomfort:

  • Bowel health: Your bowel health is also an aspect of this problem you want to consider. Constipation can cause the pelvic floor muscles to tense up, trapping your farts. Loose stools can be associated with extra gas.

  • Water: Getting the right amount of fiber and water can be an essential component to controlling your problem.

  • Physical Therapy: Whether your pelvic floor is too tight or too loose, pelvic floor physical therapy can help.

Stop Being Embarrassed by Farting And Take Your Life Back.

We know this is very personal and can be embarrassing/anxiety producing to have farting problems. We just want you to know you ARE NOT alone! This is very common and we have helped hundreds of women and men with their pelvic floor problems. If you are struggling with gas and are ready to solve your problem, reach out to us, click below, and speak with a pelvic floor expert today! Our Germantown physical therapy clinic and other locations are here to help.


Avoid Pelvic Pain on a Road Trip


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