Breathing Exercises for Runners

Breathing is something we do all the time, but we don’t always think about it. But when we exercise, breathing becomes critical for sustained performance. 

Runners must be mindful of their breathing, and make sure they are breathing the correct way.

If you’re struggling to catch your breath, or maintain your performance, it could be due to your breathing. Keep reading to learn proper breathing for runners, including a few tips and an exercise to improve your breathing.

What Is Proper Breathing for Running?

So, what is the proper way to breathe? A common question runners have about breathing is, “should I breathe through my nose or mouth?”. Runners most comfortably breathe through both their nose and mouth but at different times.

We can use our mouth to assist in breathing at higher-intensity running.

Make sure to keep your mouth open when running!

Here’s Why Breathing is Important for Runners

Breathing allows us to intake the oxygen we need to function and move. When we exercise, our bodies need more oxygen, and proper breathing becomes very important, allowing oxygen to enter your body and fuel your muscles.

Benefits of Breathing 

Breathing during your run helps… 

  • Reduce the chances of injury: neck pain, upper back tightness

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Run more efficiently

  • Run longer and further

Focusing on your breathing technique while you run may take some practice to get used to, but it will help you reach your running goals over time.

Runners Should Try This Breathing Exercise 

A breathing technique you can do during your next run is an exercise called “Breath Anchoring”. This exercise is a simple, yet effective way to increase your oxygen intake as you run, helping you get accustomed to higher levels of CO2 in your bloodstream. The higher levels of CO2 actually allow you to use MORE of the oxygen you inhale! 

The breathing exercise is pretty simple: 

  1. Start by inhaling for 3 seconds

  2. Then, exhale for 6 seconds

To get started with this exercise, we encourage runners to first start practicing this when you’re not running. Follow these tips to best incorporate this breathing exercise into your running routine:

  1. Start by practicing this technique while you're sitting, walking, or taking a break during your day. 

  2. Then, try this breathing technique on one of your short and easy runs. 

  3. Eventually, you can incorporate this on longer, more intense runs. While this may seem uncomfortable, it should get progressively easier as you continue.

Other Tips for Better Breathing

Here are a few tips for better breathing for your run.

  • Pay attention to your posture when you run. Posture can play a role in how well you breathe.

  • Use diaphragmatic breathing as run — breathing deeply from your belly by contracting your diaphragm. Breathing through your nose can help utilize your diaphragm and less neck musculature. Diaphragmatic breathing can also help reduce tightness in the neck or shoulders.

In Closing: Breathing for Runners

Breathing is important for runners. Proper breathing will make a big difference if you want to run faster, further, and more frequently.

Using these breathing exercises and tips, you will increase your oxygen intake, improve your performance and help reduce chances of getting injured.

Alpha Project Phyzio & Performance is a PT clinic that works with athletes and active adults, with clinics in Gaithersburg, Frederick, and Columbia.


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